PAPR 2 Blower Assembly | MillerWelds

PAPR 2 Blower Assembly

Lightweight, low-profile blower assembly (3 pounds) featuring LCD display options and three air speeds which allows the user to customize the volume of air to maximize comfort in varied work conditions.


Lightweight Low-Profile Blower Design
Extends wearability without interfering with surroundings.
Three Air Speeds
Allow users to customize the volume of air to maximize comfort in varied work conditions.
LCD Display
Allows users to see fan speed, filter timer, battery level and current time.
Filter Timer
Tracks how many hours of use the filter has.
Integrated 3-point Backpack-Style Shoulder Straps
Enhance comfort, reduce fatigue over long shifts by distributing system weight to alleviate back pain.


General Specifications

Title papr-2-blower-assembly-287172