Bobcat™ or Trailblazer® Engine-Driven Welder: Find the Right Solution for You | MillerWelds

Bobcat™ or Trailblazer® Engine-Driven Welder: Find the Right Solution for You

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It’s time for a new engine-driven welder — but how do you know which one is right for your needs? The type of work you typically do and where you’re doing that work are good starting points to keep in mind when you’re evaluating machine options. If you want to get the most out of your machine, there are technologies that help you save fuel, improve productivity and reduce noise. These scenarios can help you find the Trailblazer or Bobcat engine-driven welder that best fits your needs.

I do a lot of critical welding and efficiency is important.

I often work far away from my machine and am constantly changing settings or processes. I frequently use multiple processes on the job and may change from TIG to stick, gouge to wire, or other process combinations. I want to be able to easily dial in arc control exactly how I like it to maximize quality in code welding applications. I use a generator to power tools and sometimes need battery charging for jumping heavy equipment. Saving fuel is a huge benefit to my bottom line. What's my best solution?

The Trailblazer family of engine-driven welders has a range of options, and the Trailblazer 325 EFI with Excel™ power, Wireless Interface Control and Battery Charge/Jump Start is a good choice for you. With best-in-class welding performance, maximum fuel saving technologies and remote capabilities that deliver complete control wherever you’re working, this machine helps you save time and money.


I weld a lot and value productivity.

I do a lot of welding around the jobsite, so the ability to change my parameters without walking back to the machine would save a lot of time. I often need to swap out stick electrodes while I’m welding or switch to using my wire feeder. I want to save time on the jobsite and fuel efficiency is important to me. What's my best solution?

The Trailblazer 325 equipped with ArcReach® and Auto-Speed™ technology is a versatile engine-driven welder that delivers a smooth, stable arc along with the power capabilities you need most often. ArcReach technology lets you change amperage and voltage from the ArcReach feeder or Stick/TIG Remote, while Auto-Speed technology matches engine speed to the load, so you get the welding power you need plus reduced fuel consumption and lower noise levels.


I do a lot of stick welding and repair work.

My machine is on my truck and I’m often stick welding many kinds of repairs on the jobsite. I don’t change my parameters much and can often leave my machine on the same settings throughout the day. Fuel efficiency is important to me, so I want a machine that I can easily shut on and off to help me save money and reduce noise. What's my best solution?

The Bobcat™ 260 EFI with Remote Start/Stop technology lets you easily turn your machine on and off remotely, so it only runs when you need it. And electronic fuel injection optimizes the air/fuel ratio for all engine speeds and engine loads, resulting in lower operational costs and longer runtimes.


I need power to run tools, and I stick weld sometimes.

Auxiliary power is critical for me to get everything done on the jobsite. I need auxiliary power to run grinders and other jobsite tools. Sometimes I stick weld with 7018 rods but I don’t usually need to make changes to settings or parameters. I like the option of having a portable machine to put on my truck, UTV or running gear to move it where it needs to be. What's my best solution?

The Bobcat 225 with Remote Start/Stop provides 9,500 watts of continuous, clean and reliable auxiliary power to run the tools and lights that are critical to your job. If you need slightly more output to run larger stick electrodes, the Bobcat 260 with Remote Start/Stop offers the same auxiliary capabilities for powering tools with more welding power. With a compact design, Bobcat engine-driven welders can be easily moved around the jobsite by truck, UTV or running gear. Remote Start/Stop lets you turn the machine on and off remotely, so you can take control and reduce noise and operating costs.


Choosing an engine-driven welder

Ready to buy or have more questions? Contact your welding distributor.
