5 Work Truck Ideas the Experts are Talking About | MillerWelds

5 Work Truck Ideas the Experts are Talking About

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From truck weight to going green, learn more bottom line-boosting actions and considerations gaining traction with fleets around the country.
Illustration depicting work truck fleet managers have discussion in yard

Work truck industry trends

When you’ve got a budget to meet and competition to beat, searching for ways to save money and staying on top of emerging industry trends are part of the job. Where do you even start? Consider these five trending topics on the minds of fleet experts to get you started. 

1. Chassis lifespan

The average wait for a new chassis can be in excess of 40 weeks. To get around this shortage, some fleets are considering solutions like migrating to smaller trucks or box vans. In the meantime, fleet managers have to be creative in how they use their existing assets. To extend current asset life, consider transitioning to equipment options that reduce truck engine runtime. Some solutions provide all the power technicians need while the truck is turned off. 

2. Tech turnover

Repeatedly needing to find and train new field service technicians is a hassle (and expensive). If you want to minimize turnover and attract talent, providing high-quality equipment to work with is a great start. Choose tools that help simplify the job, like equipment with remote panels that eliminate the need for technicians to climb in and out of the truck to make adjustments. Anything that makes the operator’s job easier is in high demand.

3. Downsizing trucks

Class 1-6 trucks are popular for a reason — trucks that weigh over 26,000 pounds (class 7 and above) require a commercial driver’s license (CDL). When moving to smaller trucks every pound and inch of space matters. More fleet managers are considering weight-saving solutions like aluminum truck bodies and all-in-one systems, which allow technicians to consolidate their power needs into a smaller package, without sacrificing capabilities.

4. Eco-friendly fleets

Diesel engines with over 25 horsepower are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and require emissions aftertreatment. One way truck manufacturers meet this new Tier 4 emissions standard is by using a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to capture soot from exhaust fumes. DPFs need to be regenerated each time they become clogged as a result of an engine running at a low rpm — which means downtime. In effort to turn off the truck and reduce regeneration time service truck fleets are shifting to equipment that powers tools with the truck turned off.

5. Big data

Tracking and analyzing data isn’t just for tech companies — it’s a growing practice in the world of fleet management. No more guessing at how your service truck is being used, what’s driving your fuel consumption or when equipment on the truck is due for service. Fleet managers are also using data to understand usage rates for all power equipment on the truck, including cranes. Get to the bottom of the issues costing you time and money and make data-driven decisions using telematics.


Here’s the bottom line: Staying ahead of challenges and keeping your trucks running is all about getting the right people — and the right equipment — for the job.

Discover solutions that can give you the advantage over your competition by extending truck asset life, improving technician safety, reducing truck engine idling and more at MillerWelds.com/Truck.
