Miller Trailblazer 325 - Diesel Auto-Speed - MillerWelds | MillerWelds

Trailblazer® 325 Diesel Engine-Driven Welder

Auto-Speed™ Technology

Matches engine speed to load — a Miller exclusive

Get the welding power you need — plus reduced fuel consumption and lower noise levels for a more profitable, safer jobsite

Unlike competitive machines that operate at 3,600 rpm (max) under any load, Miller-exclusive Auto-Speed technology responds to weld requirements by automatically adjusting engine speed to one of five rpm levels — starting at 1,800 rpm — so the engine never works harder than necessary. 

Refueling time and operating costs are reduced, which means more productivity and profitability. Plus, everyone on the jobsite gets a better working environment because noise levels and exhaust emissions are lowered.

Diesel RPM chart

Auto-Speed technology in XX18 mode